Tilnar Art’s H2O Collection

Copper drinking vessels have been used for centuries and are believed to have a number of health benefits including helping to remove bacteria from drinking water, aiding the digestive system, boosting the immune system, reducing arthritis and many more. We are now stocking re-useable copper water bottles which are easy to clean and maintain, and which help the environment by reducing the use of single use plastic water bottles.

These bottles form part of Tilnar Art’s H2O Collection, which was inspired by a recent visit to see their suppliers in India. During the visit they saw first-hand the devastating effects of plastic pollution and the miles of mountains of plastic waste it creates. It made them committed to do something about it – and so they launched their collection of re-usable copper water bottles. 

Why choose a re-usable copper water bottle:

Help reduce plastic pollution – 10,000 plastic water bottles are purchased every second that are not recycled. By using a re-useable water bottle you will be “helping the environment one sip at a time” by reducing the use of single use plastic water bottles.

Ocean friendly – The copper water bottles are not only sustainably sourced, but are recyclable and plastic free, coming in a beautiful recycled paper gift box.

Hand finished & fairtrade – These bottles are hand finished by fairtrade artisans in India in beautiful patterns that are designed in Great Britain.

Health benefits of copper – mentioned above!

These bottles are available in the shop or on Click & Collect.